Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 6: Olympia/Overnight Ferry

Today we left our hotel in Corinth for Olympia, the site of the first Olympic games in 776 BC. The town of Olympia was used to train athletes for various sport activities, and thereby keeping them constantly in shape for war. The site was chosen because it was believed that the nearby hill was the birthplace of the gods. The temple of Zeus was also located in Olympus and housed one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, an enormous marble and gold statue of the god. Today the Olympic flame still originates at Olympia before being transferred to wherever the Olympics are being held.

At Olympia we got to see the ruins of the temple of Zeus...

And the original Olympic stadium, which sat over 40,000 spectators...
From Olympia we left for the port of Patros and boarded our overnight ferry for Greece. The ferry was very nice, and more like a small cruise ship...
And due to the later wake up in the morning, we had a chance to check out the on-board disco and do some dancing...

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